215-646-6504 I Concierge Medical Services melissa@cmsfpud.com

As more Americans become frustrated with the traditional healthcare system, the choice to access concierge medical practices is on the rise. If you don’t know what concierge medicine is, you can think of it as a personalized form of healthcare. Concierge medicine provides an immense opportunity for patients to partner with their provider for preventative healthcare and when acute issues arise. Patients are encouraged to communicate their health concerns and goals.

How does concierge medicine work?
Patients pay a fee for medical services. The fee is paid either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. At our practice, the medical care provided is all inclusive in that fee. It should be noted that this is not an alternative to health insurance. Health insurance is highly recommended to cover health care costs outside of our practice, i.e., diagnostic imaging, laboratory tests, medication, hospitalization, specialist visits etc.

At Concierge Medical Services, patients are given 30–60-minute appointments. This encourages in depth communication and relationships. Patients quickly find that we are skilled at diagnosing and managing a broad range of conditions while emphasizing preventative medicine. We will refer you to appropriate specialists, if needed and guide you through the complicated healthcare system to quickly find the care you need. We also offer home visits for patients who are homebound.

What are the benefits of a Concierge Medical Practice
The majority of patients who use a concierge medical practice report greater satisfaction with their healthcare, and there are many good reasons for that.

  • Reduced wait times
    Most Americans wait an average of 24 days to see a doctor or health care provider because of poor availability or a high volume of patients. Our practice limits the total number of patients and we dedicate time to everyone who is a part of our service. This means same-day or next-day visits and easy phone access.
  • No co-pays — your fee covers everything
    Routine visits, emergency visits, physicals, and in office phlebotomy are included with your fee, so you don’t have to pay more for seeing your doctor. Keep in mind that this only applies to services provided by us. Our patients quickly learn how cost effective care is at Concierge Medical Services.
  • Increased access to treatment
    At Concierge Medical Services, we provide our patients seamless medical care as dictated by their health care needs. We provide coordination of care with specialists and during hospitalization. We value close communication.

Are you looking for concierge medicine in Fort Washington, PA? Contact Concierge Medical Services for your introduction to personalized medical care from our providers who understand your health care needs. Ask about our services and how we can make healthcare more convenient for you.